Similar words: debonair, put on airs, millionaire, billionaire, concessionaire, multimillionaire, open air, legionnaire. Meaning: adv. very happily.
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31. A mirage, a reflection of layers on air out to sea.
32. I walked home on air across the Esplanade des Invalides and bored everyone with his parting words for weeks afterwards.
33. No one knows what effect the introduction of commercial fares will have on air travel in the former Soviet Union.
34. Less electric lighting in offices could therefore lead to further savings on air conditioning.
35. On my first day, I earned $190, and I was walking on air.
36. He famously fussed over his seating below the salt on Air Force One.
37. Head back to the Yahoo! page and click on Air Travel or Transportation.
38. The Channel 5 licence is expected to be awarded in early November and be on air at the latest in 1995.
39. We went live on air by telephone for about ten minutes, at about 8.25 am.
40. In the intervening days Flora walked on air, or lay awake in her dormitory rehearsing the things she would tell Felix.
41. Health chiefs spent another £350,000 on air tickets, accommodation and lavish entertaining for the firm's executives and their wives.
42. Between 200 and 300 new commercial stations could come on air in the 1990s and intense competition for advertising revenue is inevitable.
43. They're under a lot of pressure because they have to be on air 24 hours.
44. Returning on air, Dick Enberg got Maguire to expand on the comment.
45. In regard to pollution, the report calls for far tighter controls, particularly with regard to global restrictions on air pollution.
46. His opponent, on the other hand, can hop around the country on Air Force One, basking in presidential publicity.
47. I can't live on air!
48. Why is Victor walking on air?
49. The bosses expect their workmen to live on air.
50. She tripped along joyfully as if treading on air.
51. I am walking on air.
52. Aircraft in the mideast are on air alert.
53. Lao Wan feels very comfortable and tread on air.
54. Times you want your advert to go on air.
55. Life is Now Live On Air!
56. A family of six cannot live on air.
57. Before the flight went down, sensors gave conflicting information on air speed to the plane's computers,( air.html) possibly because of ice.
58. Few data on air pollution exposure and risk of venous thrombosis are available.
59. One peace pill down your throat and you are floating on air.
60. Walk on air for 70 feet over the edge of Grand Canyon West.
More similar words: debonair, put on airs, millionaire, billionaire, concessionaire, multimillionaire, open air, legionnaire, out of thin air, doctrinaire, questionnaire, berlin airlift, airy-fairy, nail, naif, snail, naive, nailer, naivete, unaided, naively, naivety, nail down, nailing, on the nail, nail file, hangnail, doornail, mayonnaise, hobnailed.